I’ve lost about 15lbs. since my first detox. I finally know how to nourish my body with clean foods and have had dramatic changes in how I feel. Dr. Katie, you’ve helped me change the trajectory of my life. I am so grateful.
— Linda
I’m going to continue the detox because it’s starting to feel great. Thank you, Dr. Katie, for a path into better versions of ourselves.
— Jenny
Dr. Katie, thank you so much! This has been an awesome experience. I would definitely do it again! Now I have regular bowel movements (that’s new!), and I haven’t craved sugar. I love my new 10 minute meditation! Your support, knowledge, compassion and understanding make this a doable and supportive detox that’s not harsh, rigid, or restrictive. Thank you again!!
— Katy
Coach Courtney brought focus and clarity to my Detox. She listened carefully during our daily check-ins and provided me with a valuable follow-up plan for lasting habit change to live a clean lifestyle. This was a game changer for me!
— Emily
I’ve had chronically high cholesterol for the last 18 years - typically in the 240 range. I followed Dr. Katie’s Detox for about 5 weeks, and my test result yesterday showed 167! I fully credit the Detox!
— Barbara

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