Your Inner Harvest


It’s fall! The cooler weather inspires me to cuddle up with a warm cup of tea and a good book underneath a cozy blanket (and maybe an outdoor heat lamp). Today I broke out my winter coat for my morning walk. The season for change is here.

As we think ahead to the holidays, my head and heart are on preparing an Inner Harvest, the idea that just as we prep our homes and tables, we also need to re-focus on balance in our physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual bodies.

Reflect on the seeds you sowed earlier in 2020. What did you adapt to in March when the going got rough? Did you alter your dinnertime to eat earlier with your family? Did you adopt a dog that now fills a place in your heart? Did you take on more self-reflection in the heat of the Black Lives Matter movement? Did you go to bed earlier and prioritize your rest? Did you re-discover the beauty of being outdoors where it was safe to see friends?

Now is your time to reap the rewards of your adaptability. What’s happening right now in our world is not the new normal. I still hold hope for a day when we return to the ease of normal life without masks at the grocery store, without worry about school cancellation, with freedom to hug our friends, without constant thought about a microbe smaller than a human hair. What’s happening now in our physical, mental and emotional bodies is adaptation to our current situation. Recognize that the hard work we did back in March is coming to fruition. Because, whether you realize it or not, now we are all stronger. We are all more capable. We all have more resilience.

And isn’t reaping the rewards of resilience the ultimate Inner Harvest?

I am with you on this journey. Let’s enjoy a moment in celebration of making it to this day.

Katie TakayasuComment