DK's Favorite Things - Online Shopping

My favorite mailed holiday gifts! Need some gift ideas before the big day is finally here!? Here are a few of my favorites:

1.) Melt Foam Roller from MELT Method - it's so much softer than the alternatives. You can foam roll without pain! Woohoo!

2.) Women's Slouchy Pajamas from Eberjey - my friends swear by these, and they are right! We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Why not have the right PJs to relax in.

3.) The Immunotype Breakthrough by Dr. Heather Moday - this book is going to be BIG and written by a friend of mine Dr. Heather Moday who is an expert in integrative immunology. Her idea is that we fit into 4 different immune types and can lead our lives more holistically based on smart choices for our bodies.

4.) Heated Mittens from Ororo - wowza, these mittens changed my relationship with 5:30am dog walking. A must for all of those who have cold hands like me.

5.) Turmeric Latte Mix from Nature’s Harvest - this drink mix is just delicious and the perfect amount of spicy. Just mix in a bit of plant milk and you're on your way to feeling warm inside while you support anti-inflammation.

ShoppingMaggie WehriComment