What is Integrative Aesthetics?

It's easy to receive a Dysport injection or a microneedling session and jump off the table thinking that's all you need.

But to achieve lasting change, the healing process has to start from the inside out.

At Wellness Insights, we ensure you're not only receiving the best exterior skincare services to treat anything from acne to wrinkles but we're focusing on the full picture.

What are you eating? How's your bowel health? How well are you sleeping? Do you have signs of hormonal imbalance? It's important to understand the full picture when taking care of your skin, and we want you to feel heard and understood. That's the truly the difference in our customizable approach to Integrative Aesthetics.

Methylated Vitamin B12 Treatment

Vitamin B12 is essential for protein metabolism, formation of red blood cells (thus preventing anemia), and maintenance of the nervous system.

It's also a co-factor in multiple metabolic functions, including the production of energy in the mitochondria. 

And it's easy to become deficient if you’re eating a plant-focused diet since we only get vitamin B12 from animal sources in the diet.

Methylated B12 is of particular importance because many of us don't methylate properly due to inherited genes, which makes it harder for the body to activate or inactivate essential biochemical processes, and has been tied to symptoms like dysregulated cholesterol, cognitive changes, low energy, mood and sleep-related issues, and pain

We can help you replenish this essential vitamin for overall well being and vitality. Check out my recent experience.

Naomi Fisher, PA-C can easily check a serum vitamin B12 and its precursor MMA (methylmalonic acid) to identify deficiency, and then jumpstart repletion with intramuscular injection or under-the-tongue vitamins. It’s a total win.

Microneedling with Naomi, PA

Did you know your ear and jaw line can show signs of aging more quickly than other parts of the face?

Collagen induction therapy, aka microneedling is a treatment designed to stimulate collagen production and skin metabolism by creating microchannels in the skin.

Microneedling reduces the appearance of scars, boosts collagen production, and addresses hyperpigmentation from conditions like melasma. Microneedling's repair process results in a thicker dermis, meaning fewer wrinkles and glowing skin. After my microneedling session last week with Naomi, I almost immediately noticed smoother skin and less rosacea redness on my cheeks.

And when working in partnership with our signature Integrative Aesthetics approach, Naomi can help you make a personalized plan of action that includes everything from bowel health rehab to the right vitamins to medical-grade chemical peels to light therapy.

Want to see microneedling in action? (Naomi's numbing medication makes the procedure virtually painless!) Watch my video with Naomi here.