How to Use Acupressure Seeds

I love acupressure seeds.

They are one of the easiest ways that you can influence your health and well-being on a regular basis.

If you come to see me in my practice, then I can place them for you…but if you’re at home, you can just buy some from Amazon and place them yourself. You can go basic stainless or get Swarovski crystal ones (SO PRETTY!)

Let me teach you how!


Why use acupressure seeds

AcuPRESSURE points are the same points we use in Traditional Chinese Medicine acuPUNCTURE. Acupuncture - the use of tiny solid steel needles placed along meridians in the body to allow for the free flow of energy (called Qi) - is the gold standard for influencing the body.

But what do you do when you can’t come in for acupuncture?

You can apply PRESSURE at the SAME SPOTS at home. This is the basis for using SeaBands for pregnancy-related morning sickness or motion sickness - you’re just using the power of acupressure at the point called Pericardium-6 to help ease your symptoms! The same method can be applied to help virtually any ailment, including anxiety.

They are also great for kids or adults who are scared of needles!

Most people use acupressure seeds in the ear, but they can truly be applied all over the body.

Want to know more about how acupuncture works? Read my friend Sarah’s book - it’s such an easy read and so informative!

How to use acupressure seeds

Acupressure seeds are incredibly easy to use. I’m a fan of stainless or crystal seeds because they are small and come with clear adhesive, so most people don’t see them in your ear.

If you’re new to using acupressure seeds, just try one. It doesn’t matter which side, right or left. You can leave in place for 3-5 days. It will either fall off on it’s own, or you can gently peel off after 5 days. Then give that ear spot a rest and switch to your other ear.

My FAVORITE spot for acupressure seeds is called Shen Men, which is located at the peak of the triangle in the upper ear. Shen Men means “spirit gate” and it’s a wonderful spot to help with anxiety, stress, sleep and, interestingly, back pain. Check out my son’s lovely ear as a demonstration. Since ears are naturally greasy, I find cleaning the ear with a little washcloth or alcohol swab is helpful for the adhesive to work well. I also find using a tweezers helpful, since those seeds are tiny!


Step by Step Acupressure for Anxiety & Stress

  1. Wash your hands.

  2. Clean ear with a warm washcloth or rubbing alcohol/facial toner on a cotton ball.

  3. Peel ear seed off with a tweezer (or your fingers).

  4. Place at the peak of the triangle called Shen Men.

  5. Peel off after 5 days.

  6. Then try the other side!

Tag me @DoctorKatie on Instagram with pics of your ear seeds!

Want even more info on acupressure?

Check out these powerful videos (and support our local Stamford business Indigo Wellness Group!) My favorite is the e-book on Acupressure — learn how to use multiple ear seeds to help with everything from headaches to immunity!

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